Precision Chiropractic is one of the few facilities of its kind in the country (there are about 400) and the only one in the Durham area that specialises and focuses on precise structural correction of the spine. If the lifestyle you want to enjoy is being affected by pain or other unpleasant symptoms, consider the possibility that it may be coming from a structural problem in your spine. In our office, you'll know right away if this is the case, because we look for objective indicators and make recommendations based on what we can see and measure. We keep things simple, straightforward and highly focused. If you'd like to know more, you can visit our website, Or, better yet, come meet us in person. We believe you should have a chance to discover if Precision Chiropractic is right for you without any pressure or gimmicks. You're invited to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Martin. This is a conversation, not a commitment. Call us at 919-794-4455 or email us at